Smart Manufacturing

Enabling smart manufacturing in your organization links everything together for easier access to all your data.

What is smart manufacturing? It is a technology that enables machines to connect to the internet and monitor the production process. Connecting executives and floor workers to the same real-time data, essential for sustainable growth within the organization. 

Smart manufacturing is part of the Industrial Internet of Things. Some of the way manufacturers track data is with sensors or digital forms. Enabling production lines to have fewer mistakes and faster corrections with real-time data. In the past companies would track that data with pen and paper and keep them in filing cabinets. Then switched to digital forms and kept them in a database, either stored locally or in a different physical location. Now companies are switching once again, but, with good reason. Manufacturers are switching to cloud hosting and installing sensors in their plants for more accurate and faster tracking of their data. 

Pros and Cons of Smart Manufacturing

Some of the pros and cons of smart manufacturing are:


  1. faster tracking
  2. less downtime
  3. increase production
  4. more accurate data


  1. Cost
  2. maintenance on machines and sensors
  3. Complex systems

These factors are critical when choosing whether to upgrade or not. However, if you are hoping to continue to improve business and pass it on to the next generation, or the next CEO you should look into IIOT 4.0 and smart manufacturing. Implementing these complex and costly systems takes time. 

How Do I Start To Implement?

So, what is the best way to start? First, ask yourself where you want to go and be in the next 10 years. After that figure out if you can get there with the technology you have now. Lastly, start small. You will not be able to jump into the IIOT quickly, you need time. If you still use paper to track data, switch to a digital system that tracks that same data. The change in your company will be minimal. You will still do the same things, but, just on a tablet. Next, if you are tracking data digitally consider installing sensors and smart manufacturing systems in your plant. Finally, if you have sensors and a system in place that tracks data in the IIOT 4.0 way you’re ahead of the game, yet, you can always improve. You should continue to look at the trends and adjust your equipment accordingly.

In conclusion, having a technology-enabled business is critical to surviving in the next decade. Manufacturers are catching on to the digital age and starting to implement, but you have to ensure that you are doing it at a cost-effective and logical way. Take small steps and budget the implementation of the systems. We wish you the best of luck in the smart manufacturing world and nothing but success. 

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