5 Steps to Turn Data Into Profits

5 Steps To Turn Data Into Profits Truth is, most companies are inundated with data from numerous sources throughout the organization. Which begs the question, is the data being used intelligently in an actionable manner that drives profits? For example, you have case weights on thousands of boxes of products produced each day, but how…

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Reducing Error to Boost Efficiency

Reducing error to boost efficiency is an often overlooked strategy when considering how to get the most out of your manufacturing plant. With reducing human error, that operational goal seems a little easier to achieve. It’s not uncommon that we see many organizations simply attempting to increase utilization, capacity, or cycle times. These are effective…

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Data Silos: the Silent Killer of Insights

Data Silos: the Silent Killer of Insights A short blog on correcting and preventing silos. Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to get the deeper level insight you’re looking for in your plant or across your plant locations? It may be caused by what are called ‘Data Silos’.  What they are:  Data (or…

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Empower Your Plant with Digital Tools

Empowering plant floor employees shouldn’t have to be expressed as an important matter. Millions of dollars are invested into providing support, services, training, and many other resources for the production floor environment every year to help improve work conditions and production results; but, what if we empowered employees in a more digital way? What if…

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Choosing a Software Vendor

It’s difficult to find a vendor for anything, let alone something you have to pay for and use every day. The process is usually exhausting and many times, there is a lack of followthrough, wasting time and ultimately, money; but that doesn’t have to be.  In this short article, we’ll show you a few ways…

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Doing Nothing: The Cost

Compliance, traceability, and accountability are top priorities in the ever-changing world of food & beverage, pharma, and biotech. So, what can companies do in order to evolve with the changing standards and ways of operating?  First, we’ve got to admit something together; that things are changing in these industries and that doing nothing about it…

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