Launching Digital Innovation Companywide

Digital Innovation, using multiple icons to form a lightbulb signaling an innovative idea.

First, let’s start with a few questions to get warmed up on this “Digital Innovation” term being tossed around. Here we will describe what it’s all about, why companies are leaning toward technology, why is it needed, and how to take it companywide. 

What is Digital Innovation?

Digital Innovation is a term used in various industries that signify the development and application of digital technologies in respective fields to assist growth strategies and solve problems. Digital Innovation is a life-long process and will always be happening and usually takes place in waves of new developments and driving companies forward to smarter technologies. 

Why do companies need to leverage digital innovation?

The sooner that companies (particularly Manufacturers) can identify that they are becoming more technological businesses instead of traditional manufacturers, the better chance of them becoming a dominant player in their fields. What I mean by this, is that the leading companies in any industry, if you do your research are the ones that are leveraging digital innovation on every level of business, keeping track of their most vital industry numbers, and utilizing smart technologies to provide insights never before imaginable. 

Manufacturing Innovations

Let’s talk about some specifics: in regards to manufacturing, what are the digital innovations available? Just to keep it broader, things like Smart Manufacturing technologies, data analytics and collection, IIOT, and Industry 4.0 are hot topics in the production arena. We are seeing a huge increase in information collection and analyzation in the manufacturing industry as they become more aware of the competitive advantages that coincide with the opportunity of digital innovations.  

So, maybe you can see how tracking your numbers on the floor is important for quality, safety, and production improvements. But, what about the rest of the manufacturing organization, don’t they need digital innovation? Glad you asked. Of course, they do! When organizations have a separate platform for Operations, Financials, Marketing, and Executive management it can get very difficult to keep track of all the right data in each of those departments. Yes, there are the best digital innovations for each department. Financials have their Quickbooks, Marketing has their SalesForce, and Operations has their BluWave. Having separate digital innovations for each department can be confusing when decision-makers are jumping between platforms trying to gain insights. There’s probably a better way-ve to do things, though. 

Launching Digital Innovations

When launching digital innovations to various departments, you can make it easy to integrate all departments (with us)… or you can make it very difficult. The easy option is to just make sure that there is synergy in every data collection, storage, and management process. It seems easy, right? As long as there is clear and effective communication within your digital innovation, it can substantially cut down on the headache of department confusion when implementing new technology. 

How to do it: EASY STEPS

  1. Be clear on what innovations you are launching in your company.
  2. Define a team that will lead this new technology development.
  3. Focus on Communication between technology systems.
  4. Create broad goals to reach for that the Digital Innovation can help with.
  5. Get every department on the same page and DO IT.

It is actually that easy, with the right team, clear communication, and defined goals; being able to launch new digital innovations should be an easy process. If you need any help, let us know. Now get growing! 

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