What Is Industry 4.0?

What is Industry 4.0? Manufacturing paradise.

In the early 1700’s there was the first industrial revolution with the introduction of the steam engine. Next was the introduction of electricity and mass production capabilities in the 20th century. Fast-forwarding to today, we have the computer that is slowly making its way into the manufacturing industry. This current state is referred to as Industry 4.0.

Internet of Things

Industry 4.0 is changing manufacturing for the better by enabling machines to all be interconnected, remotely accessed and monitored through digital enterprises. This interconnectivity among machines is called IoT (internet of things).

Monitor Operations Remotely

IoT is a way to remotely monitor the operations on the manufacturing floor. Number one is the ability to measure things like machine downtime, first-pass yield, cycle time..etc. The capabilities of companies utilizing IoT reverts back to the idea of enterprise systems in which an organization can view their entire business with one platform. A big part of implementing IoT is taking the first step toward automation. 77% of companies that began automation saw an increase in revenue. Data can be collected by hand but for the most part having machines with sensors will ensure the most streamlined process for remote monitoring as well as efficient and automated data collection.

If your company is considering advancing into Industry 4.0, first consider what it would take to adopt this within the company. Having a plan and doing your research on the fundamentals of Industry 4.0 is vital to knowing how it can be applied to your business. What areas are adaptable to new technologies? What systems do you have in place currently and how can those be transitioned digitally?

Keep The End In Mind

Remember your end goal with new systems is cutting costs that play no role in any final product you produce. Making sure your focus is always on efficiency will help in deterring you from implementing new systems simply because your company will be the “most high tech”. Knowing what you need is important so to understand what processes you have that could be improved and what ways to go about that improvement is one of the most important assessments. Many systems today will allow you to test their software before purchasing so you can know what will work best for you.

Once you know what systems works best for your business it’s important to continuously be implementing, testing and revising your operations based on results. In business, one of the most effective ways to learn is through trial and error. The good thing about industry 4.0 is it makes this process a lot faster so you will be able to see very quickly what yields the best results.

Manufacturing is evolving, finding faster and more efficient ways to produce products will always be the cornerstone of innovation in the industry. Now technology can do the heavy lifting and your business can thrive from the implementation of automation and industry 4.0.

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